The Pee Pod Experience
This simple-to-use system has so many benefits: saving money, saving trees, saving habitats, saving sewers and septic systems with the added benefit of being a much softer and a more sensual experience. Here’s how to use it… By the way, this system is not designed for #2s (bowel movements) – just #1s!
How to Use:

The PeePod system comes with 30 bamboo cloths in the attachable/ detachable holder on the back of the container. Fill the container with water to within about 1 inch of the top. You can add a bit of soap, though a couple of drops of any essential oil may be preferable. Place the container on the floor next to your toilet on the side of your dominant handedness (ie: right handers on the right). After peeing/urinating use a single cloth to wipe with. Place the used cloth into the flip top lid of the container.
Once all the cloths are used, or you want to do a wash with other items, simply drain the container’s water out from the drain holes hidden by the slider on the top of the container. After the water is drained out open the top and shake the wet cloths out into the washer. Wash with any other clothes. Bleach and fabric softeners are not recommended for the life of the small cloths. Toss into the dryer with the other clothes. When dry, re-stack in the holder and start again. Don’t forget to rinse the container and refill with water. It’s that simple!