The Pee Pod System

The system is designed as a single-walled, stainless steel container, powder-coated in a variety of colors, with a two-part lid and an attachable/detachable container for the clean, organic bamboo 4.5″ x 4.5″, double-layered cloths used for the wipe. The used cloths then go into the container that has a solution of water plus an environmentally ecological additive for soaking until it’s wash time. The pod is then drained through the unique drain and the lid is flipped and the cloths are put directly into the wash along with all the other wash. No special treatment needed. Once dried they simply go back into the clean cloth container and are ready for the next week of use. (I have been using the same cloths for 3 years!)
It’s anticipated that 30 cloths will be included in the system with more available should a user want them. We will set a price that will reflect a savings to you during the first year of use, and extend into the future as a much deeper savings.
Have I mentioned how soft and sensual the cloths are?
#1 - Save Money
Women spend a lot of money on the toilet paper they purchase just for peeing. This amount of toilet paper represents about 80% of what women use in total. The cost of toilet paper is rising rapidly with a one-year supply for a woman costing roughly $160. This is a lot of money for one woman just for peeing! The PeePod is here to cut this number down to $0/year if a PeePod system is used.
#2 - More Than Saving Trees
Cutting trees releases carbon: Over 82,000 trees are cut down every day to supply US women toilet paper just for peeing! That’s 30 million trees a year! Women, we are responsible for this destruction of the Canadian Boreal Forests which supplies most of the trees for toilet paper manufacturers! And the destruction of the environment doesn’t stop there: The soil where the trees stood then releases huge amounts of stored carbon, and the mycelium networks that keep the rest of the trees healthy are destroyed.
“This great northern forest is the most carbon-dense, intact forest left on the planet, locking up in its soils and trees twice as much carbon as the world’s oil reserves.” – The NRDC National Resource Defense Council
Factory chemicals in our food supply: The chemicals used to make the toilet paper are polluting the land, streams and the ocean. The amount of water needed to produce toilet paper is beyond belief. A recent study showed that the Orca populations in the Juan De Fuca Straight between the mainland of Canada and Vancouver Island have the chemical by-products of toilet paper production in their bodies. The Orca’s only diet is salmon. That means we are all eating salmon with these chemicals in it!
#3 - Prevent System Back-ups
Clogged toilets, clogged septic systems and clogged sewer systems are big, big problems. We have a bad history of dealing with our “poop”! Eliminating 65% of all toilet paper that goes into these systems would be an amazing answer to these problems. It’s so easy to shift your lifestyle to fix this!
#4 - A Better Experience
Imagine a softer, more sensual experience than using that old, rough toilet paper (not to mention the relief of not having bits of it stick to your bits!)! That’s exactly what the soft, bamboo cloths deliver. And they are so easy to use. Simply use, drop in the PeePod container, drain when full, wash, dry and use again. The cloths last for about 3 years with normal use. And the very best is that we women get to participate in helping save the planet, our home, Mother Earth!
“I’ve been using one of the early prototypes of the PeePod for two years now and I love it! It’s so easy to use, and it’s saving me a lot of money. I prefer to wipe with the soft bamboo cloths rather than scratchy toilet paper, too. It’s a great idea, and it’s so needed in these climate critical times. I’m looking forward to getting one of the newly designed ones when they come out.”
Suzette - Sebastopol, CA
“What surprised me was how soft and silky these bamboo cloths are. The small soft square really feels wonderful to the touch. They are a joy to use and much nicer than toilet paper.
Kelly - Sebastopol, CA